HTML5 Messaging

"HTML5" Messaging Technologies

Why Care About Messaging?

  • Because we can do better than the currently one sided conversation.
  • Websockets and other messaging techniques will replace current make-shift solutions.

Covered Today

  • Mainly Web Sockets and Cross Document Messaging
  • Messaging using Text

Cross Document Messaging

What is Cross Document Messaging?

  • A method of allowing two browser windows to communicate without violating cross-domain restrictions.

  • Comes in two flavours:

    1. Simple and effective postMessage calls to a known Window instance.
    2. Channel Messaging.

Why Use Cross Document Messaging?

Quite simply - because you want to talk to other browser window contexts.

Example: Prepping Demo Code

var activeDemo = '';
Reveal.addEventListener('slidechanged', function(evt) {
    // find the active slide
    var demo = $('section.present').data('demo');
    if (demo && activeDemo !== demo && window.opener) {
        window.opener.postMessage('demo.' + demo, '*');

What about Channel Messaging?

  • Can be used to facilitate communication between two windows with no knowledge of each other.

  • While an interesting concept, I personally don't feel I'm getting bang for buck.

  • Goes beyond what can be covered in this talk.

Web Sockets

Why Websockets?

  • Because you can't beat realtime.
  • Bi-directional communication.
  • Lightweight!

Creating a Socket

Creating a new websocket connection (and attempting to open that connection) is really, really easy:

var socket = new WebSocket('ws://');

Open Sesame

And, your newly created websocket object will fire an open message when the connection is active:

socket.onopen = function() {
    // ready for comms

Sending Messages

Sending a message is as simple as calling the send method of a WebSocket instance:

// say hello to the websocket server

Receiving Messages

Listen for the message event:

socket.onmessage = function(evt) {
    // data is available in the data member
    console.log('received data: ' +;

DEMO: Simple Echo

DEMO: Twitter Feed

Web sockets in Production

Browser Support

Browser support for websockets is far from stable, and in these slides I have demonstrated the native browser interface to WebSockets.

If you are writing a production app, however, you really need to include stable fallbacks to deal with non-existent or poor websocket support.

I'd recommend checking out something like Socket.IO or another similar framework that takes care of this for you.

Server Support

There are quite a few server implementations of websockets in technologies from Node.js to Java.

While application server support is progressing well, you also need to have a look at what other webservers, reverse proxies, security appliances, etc sit between your customers and your app server. Support for Websockets in these layers is definitely not as well progressed.

Server Sent Events (EventSource)

What are Server Sent Events?

  • A simple way (I think) to add realtime updates to your web apps.
  • A text stream of data (over HTTP/S) from the server that is fed back to the browser.

Why Use SSE?

  • Simple, clever implementation without browser hacks.
  • While not as cool (or interactive) as websockets, less dependencies on network stack.

Defining an EventSource

Like the other APIs covered in this talk, initialising a new EventSource is very simple:

var source = new EventSource('');

Handling Generic Events

Like the cross-document messaging and websocket APIs, an EventSource will generate message events:

source.onmessage = function(evt) {

And you can also can create and consume custom events too. Before we have a look at that though, let's take a quick look at the event stream format.

Dive Into The Event Stream

The event stream is simply a plain text stream which contains textual event data:

data: This is the first message.

data: This is the second message, it
data: has two lines.

data: This is the third message.

Custom Events in the Stream

Custom events in the stream have an event specifier:

event: add
data: 73857293

event: remove
data: 2153

event: add

data: 113411

Handling Custom Events

Handling these custom events is as simple as registering listeners for those specific event names:

source.addEventListener('add', function(evt) {
    // handle add
}, false);

source.addEventListener('remove', function(evt) {
    // handle remove
}, false);

Cross Domain Restrictions

It's important to note that Server Sent Events are subject to cross-domain security policy, and CORS support is still emerging in most browsers.

Web Intents

What are Web Intents?

The intention is to provide:

DOM interfaces and markup used by client and service pages to create, receive, and reply to Web Intents messages, and the procedures the User Agent carries out to facilitate that process.

What are Web Intents (Plain English)

  • Fact 1: You need something done on the web.
  • Fact 2: There are many services, plugins, etc that are capable of doing what you require.
  • Fact 3: The Web Intents project is a solid attempt to standardise both the service definition and the action invocation.

Intent Registration

The proposed markup for registering a Web Intent for use looks something like:

    title="Link Share Intent" />

An intent used in the document is defined in the head of the document.

Invoking a Web Intent

A Web Intent is invoked by creating a new Intent object, and then calling the startActivity method:

var intent = new Intent(
    [ '' ]


Web Intents Will Be Awesome

To keep an eye on their progress, check out:

Wrapping Up

Go Forth and Experiment

  • There are definitely places where these messaging techniques may be useful for you right now.

  • In an experimentation context, the APIs covered today are all very accessible. Play with them you must.

Code and Talk

If you would like to have a play with the tech, then both the slide deck and websocket demo tool are available on github:

Talk & Demos
